Sunday, September 6, 2009

News Hounds: Fox&Friends Provide Free Publicity For Texas Teabagging, Obama Trashing Mom, Katrina Pierson

News Hounds: Fox&Friends Provide Free Publicity For Texas Teabagging, Obama Trashing Mom, Katrina Pierson:

"Fox News does seem to be the Teabagging network as they continue to provide this loud mouthed angry mob (whoops populist movement) with free publicity. Not only is cub reporter, Griff Jenkins embedded with the clown car (whoops, Tea Party Express); but Fox has brought back Katrina Pierson, a Texas mom who (quelle surprise!) who is part of a nationwide group of outraged conservative parents who don’t want their children exposed to the Marxist message of a an illegitimate Pied Piper President, who is piping their kids down the road to Nazi/fascist/commie-pinko/socialism.

Obviously the old republican meme of working hard doesn’t hold the same cachet when given by the hated Barack Obama who might try to slip in subliminal messages about teh gay. Not surprisingly, Fox News is reinforcing this “indoctrination” meme (here, and here.) Coincidentally and not surprisingly, Fox&Friends is giving more free publicity to a Tea Bagger who gets to bash Obama and keep us “abreast” of her feelings about health care reform. Freedom loving Texas mom and member of the National Tea Party Coalition, Katrina Pierson made a return appearance on Saturday’s (September 5th) Fox&Friends during which Fox provided subtle PR for her newest Teabagging endeavor – talk about cajones!"