Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to get the best teachers possible | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/08/2009

How to get the best teachers possible Philadelphia Daily News 09/08/2009:

"We also have a coalition of civic and community groups that are pressing both parties to ratify commonsense solutions for change outlined in a campaign called Effective Teaching for Every Child. We must not turn our back on this convergence of good fortune.

We believe that there are things that can be done immediately:

Our schools should be dominated neither by veteran teachers nor novices, but a rich mix of both - where the energy of a new teacher blends with the knowledge of an experienced one to provide a balance of skill and enthusiasm.

First, put the best principals in the hardest-to-staff schools. Give them autonomy, professional development support for themselves and their staff, and a salary bump for taking on the task of making those schools good places to teach and learn. Strong school leadership is an essential component of any school-reform effort, and this must be at the top of the district's must-do list.

Then adopt full school-based hiring ('site selection') districtwide."

In site-selection schools, teacher vacancies are open for all eligible candidates to apply - veteran and novice teachers alike, and applicants receive equal weight in their candidacy, unlike the current system that allows many vacancies to be filled first by more-senior teachers exercising their automatic transfer rights. In that system, the number of years of service trumps everything else, including performance.

To attract the best teachers to hard-to-staff schools, institute a series of strong incentives such as smaller classes, strong school leadership, access to continuing education on-site and salary boosts. Preferred incentives vary among teachers and schools, so the school district needs to offer various motivations that might draw a dedicated teacher to a difficult school. These changes benefit union members who will still have a choice whether they want to apply.

There is, of course, more to be done, but these three steps would be a powerful beginning, and what's more, they are doable. There is abundant research to support all of these actions.