Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Editorial: Veto of teacher data bill would send terrible message - San Jose Mercury News

Editorial: Veto of teacher data bill would send terrible message - San Jose Mercury News:

"The highest barrier to California's getting its fair share of $4 billion in federal 'Race to the Top' education grants is a 2006 law that prohibits linking teacher evaluations to student test scores. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has made California's ban a national laughing stock. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proclaimed that it must go.

A bill eliminating the barrier, SB19, authored by state Sen. Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), is on the governor's desk. But amazingly, he may not sign it. Schwarzenegger wants additional reforms as well, and some Republicans feel eliminating the data problem will leave less incentive for lawmakers to deal with the rest of the package."