Friday, September 25, 2009

09.24.2009 - Boisterous rally draws thousands to Sproul Plaza to vent anger at UC cutbacks

09.24.2009 - Boisterous rally draws thousands to Sproul Plaza to vent anger at UC cutbacks:

"About 5,000 people, many wearing red armbands and carrying placards, overflowed Sproul Plaza for a noontime rally that some veterans of earlier protests called the largest such gathering there since the Vietnam-war era. Following longstanding Berkeley tradition, speakers addressed the crowd from the Sproul steps, urging those able to make out their words to 'save UC' from the draconian budget cuts — more than $800 million systemwide — that have led to steps that even top UC officials acknowledge threaten the university's public mission. Administrators — backed by large numbers of faculty and staff — have sought to put the onus squarely on Sacramento, demanding that legislators fully fund higher education in California."