Sunday, August 30, 2009

Appearance of conflict |

Appearance of conflict

"A clause in Amato's contract permits 'outside professional activities,' which apparently is interpreted as consulting work.

That's deeply troubling for at least two reasons. First, it sets the stage for exactly the kind of potential conflict of interest that is being investigated. Second, the many and complex problems facing SUSD are more than enough for any superintendent without being pulled away to address the energy-draining problems of others.

Amato is being paid a full-time salary to devote his full energies to Stockton Unified. That should be enough without consulting, too.

It is common for superintendents, trustees and other school officials to attend educational conferences. Valuable information and personal connections can result.

But there are dangers in such conferences, too, especially those sponsored by companies trying to sell their products or services.

As Lincoln Unified Superintendent Steve Lowder said, 'It's easy to make mistakes.'"