Wednesday, September 20, 2023




Dads, listen up! You may think that your role in your child's education is limited to paying for their textbooks and nagging them to do their homework, but a recent study has shown that you can do so much more. In fact, you can be the key to unlocking your child's full potential!

According to the University of Leeds, fathers who engage in playful and educational activities with their children can have a "unique and important effect" on their educational outcomes. That's right, dads, you have the power to shape your child's future with just ten minutes of quality time a day. So put down that remote and pick up a book, because it's time to get involved!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But I don't know how to read!" Well, fear not, my illiterate friend. There are plenty of other ways to engage with your child that don't require any literacy skills whatsoever. For example, you could play a game of catch, sing a silly song, or draw a picture together. The possibilities are endless!

And don't worry if you're not the most creative person in the world. Your child doesn't care if your drawings look like they were done by a drunk monkey with a crayon. They just want to spend time with you and have fun. So let loose and embrace your inner child!

But wait, there's more! The study also found that greater involvement by fathers before their child attends primary school gives an educational advantage to children in their first year. So if you have a little one at home, now is the perfect time to start building that bond.

And if your child is already in primary school, don't worry. It's never too late to get involved. In fact, greater involvement at five can help increase attainment in key stage 1 assessments at seven. So even if you've been slacking off until now, there's still time to make a difference.

So what are you waiting for, dads? It's time to put down that beer and pick up a board game. Your child's future is in your hands (or rather, your funny bone). Let's show those mums who's boss!

Fathers have ‘unique effect’ on children’s educational outcomes, study finds | Children | The Guardian 



Fathers play a vital role in their children's education, and their involvement can have a significant impact on their children's academic success. Research has shown that children with involved fathers are more likely to:

  • * Earn higher grades and test scores
  • * Have better attendance and fewer behavioral problems
  • * Graduate from high school and go on to college
  • * Be successful in their careers

There are a number of ways that fathers can be involved in their children's education. Some simple things that fathers can do include:

  • * Talking to their children about their day and their schoolwork
  • * Helping their children with homework
  • * Reading to their children
  • * Attending school events and parent-teacher conferences
  • * Volunteering at their children's school
  • * Showing interest in their children's academic and extracurricular activities

Fathers can also support their children's education by creating a positive and supportive home environment. This means providing their children with a quiet place to study, helping them to develop good study habits, and encouraging them to do their best.

Here are some specific examples of how fathers can support their children's education:

  • * **Read to your children every day.** This is one of the best things you can do to help your children develop a love of reading and learning.
  • * **Help your children with their homework.** This doesn't mean doing their homework for them, but it does mean being available to help them when they need it.
  • * **Talk to your children about their school day.** Ask them what they learned, what they enjoyed, and what they found challenging.
  • * **Attend school events and parent-teacher conferences.** This shows your children that you are interested in their education and that you support their teachers.
  • * **Volunteer at your children's school.** This is a great way to get involved in your children's education and to show your support for the school community.
  • * **Show interest in your children's academic and extracurricular activities.** Go to their sporting events, plays, and concerts. Ask them about their interests and hobbies.

Fathers who are involved in their children's education are not only helping their children to succeed academically, but they are also helping them to develop into well-rounded and successful adults.


The importance of dad in the success of a child's education. Here are some key points:

  • - When fathers are involved in the lives of their children, especially their education, children learn more, perform better in school, and exhibit healthier behavior¹.
  • - Fathers play an important role in a child's development and can affect a child's social competence, performance in school and emotion regulation³.
  • - Fathers can also influence a child's well-being indirectly through their relationship with the child's mother. Supportive co-parenting relationships are related to better self-regulation and fewer behavior problems in children³.
  • - Fathers are not just helpers for mothers but are important to children in their own right. For example, preschoolers with involved fathers have stronger verbal skills than those with less involved fathers¹. Girls who have a close, warm relationship with their father have stronger math skills and abilities¹. Boys with highly involved fathers in their life receive higher grades and perform a year above their expected age level on achievement tests¹.

Bing, 9/20/2023

  • (1) Father Involvement in Education |
  • (2) The Importance of Fathers for Child Development - Psychology Today.
  • (3) Father Involvement in Education |
  • (4) The Importance of Fathers for Child Development - Psychology Today.
  • (5) Why Fatherhood Is Important to a Child’s Education.
  • (6) .
  • (7) undefined.




In a bizarre turn of events, a Texas middle school teacher has been fired for reading a passage from an illustrated version of Anne Frank's diary that included discussions of male and female genitalia. Yes, you heard that right. Apparently, the school district deemed this "unapproved" literature, and decided to give the teacher the boot.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of Anne Frank's diary, I don't exactly think of it as a steamy romance novel. But apparently, there are some pretty racy parts in there that we've all been missing out on. Who knew?

The passage in question comes from Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, which is a full and unabridged version of her diary, including sections that were initially removed and later re-added about her sexuality and puberty. And let me tell you, it's a real page-turner.

According to reports, the passage in question includes discussions of Anne's period, as well as a memory of her asking a female friend to show her breasts. Now, I don't know about you, but when I was in middle school, the most scandalous thing we talked about was who had a crush on who. These kids today are wild.

But in all seriousness, it's pretty ridiculous that this teacher was fired for reading from a book that is meant to educate and inform. It's not like she was showing them Fifty Shades of Grey or anything. And let's be real, if kids these days are getting their kicks from reading about Anne Frank's period, we've got bigger problems on our hands.

This isn't the first time that Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation has been at the center of controversy. In April, it was banned from a high school in Florida for similar reasons. And according to a report by PEN America, books containing LGBTQ+ themes, topics of race and racism, or sexual content are the most frequently banned in the United States.

It's a shame that we live in a world where books are still being banned and censored. As the late great Robin Williams once said, "Censorship is like telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it." Let's trust our teachers to do their jobs and educate our children without fear of retribution.

In conclusion, let's all take a moment to appreciate the fact that we live in a world where Anne Frank's diary is considered too scandalous for middle schoolers. It's a funny old world we live in, folks.

Texas teacher 'investigated' for reading Anne Frank novel in class 

Texas teacher fired over graphic 'Diary of Anne Frank' adaptation assignment to eighth graders - The Washington Post 

School fires teacher for assigning lesbian readings from "Diary of Anne Frank" - LGBTQ Nation 




France’s schools are SO screwed up that they could easily be mistaken for a red state in the US. It's like they're mirroring the right wing policies in American education. And we all know how that usually goes - it always begins with defunding. But what's even more hilarious is that the media only focuses on culture wars issues, just like in the US. Sound familiar? It should, because it's right out of the billionaire's playbook for destroying public education. 

Chronic underfunding has led to a record exodus of teachers, but the government is using populist policy as a cheap distraction. Instead of addressing the real issues, they'd rather create a controversy over what children are wearing to school. Yes, you read that right - what they're wearing! As if that's going to solve anything. 

Politicians and policymakers are playing on the fear of Islam as an easy way to mobilize public opinion and pander to populist ideas. But let's be real here - what does a child's clothing have to do with their education? It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. 

Staff shortages, long hours of teaching, some of the worst pupil-teacher ratios in Europe, and bullying are rampant in many schools. And it's no wonder that two cases a month of schoolchildren taking their own lives have been reported. French education has been the object of international concern for nearly two decades, among the EU countries where cultural and socioeconomic background has the greatest influence on learning outcomes. 

French schools are reproducing social inequality, preventing the most severely disadvantaged students from ever escaping the unfair circumstances many of them grow up in. With state schools slowly disintegrating, more prosperous families are turning to private education, which also receive public funding. This raises questions about the national investment in children who need it the most. 

It's like the French government is playing a game of Jenga with their education system - pulling out one block at a time until the whole thing comes crashing down. And what's left? A bunch of confused students who don't know whether they're coming or going. 

But let's not forget about the funny side of things. It's like watching a comedy show where the jokes just keep coming. The French government is so focused on culture wars that they're missing the bigger picture. It's like trying to put a band-aid on a broken leg - it's not going to work! 

So, what can we do? Well, for starters, we need to stop focusing on trivial issues and start addressing the real problems at hand. We need to invest in our teachers and our students, and give them the resources they need to succeed. We need to stop playing politics with our education system and start putting our children first. 

In conclusion, France's education system is in dire need of a makeover. We need to stop pretending that everything is okay and start taking action. Let's invest in our future and give our children the education they deserve. Who knows, maybe one day they'll look back and laugh at how screwed up things used to be.

France’s schools are in crisis – and it has nothing to do with pupils’ dress | Rokhaya Diallo | The Guardian 



Ah, corporal punishment in schools. The age-old tradition of smacking kids' bottoms to teach them a lesson. Because apparently, nothing says "I'm here to educate you" like a good old-fashioned spanking. But hey, it's 2023, people! We have self-driving cars and robots that can do our laundry. Can't we come up with a more civilized way to discipline our children?

Now, I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be disciplined. Trust me, as a parent, I know the struggle. But there has to be a better way than resorting to physical violence. I mean, we don't go around smacking adults when they mess up, do we? Well, unless you count those reality TV shows where people throw drinks at each other. But that's a whole other can of worms.

So why do we still beat on kids in schools? Is it because we secretly enjoy it? Are there secret sadist societies that get together and discuss the best techniques for spanking? Or maybe it's just because some people are stuck in the past and can't let go of outdated practices. Come on, people, it's time to join the 21st century!

But let's take a step back and look at the arguments for and against corporal punishment. On one hand, you have those who believe that it's a traditional and biblical method of discipline. They argue that it teaches students to obey authority and follow rules. Well, if that's the case, I guess we should start stoning people for wearing mixed fabrics or eating shellfish. After all, it's in the Bible, right?

On the other hand, you have those who argue that corporal punishment is a form of violence that can cause physical and psychological harm to students. Bruises, injuries, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression - these are just a few of the lovely side effects of smacking kids around. And let's not forget that it's completely ineffective. It doesn't address the root causes of misbehavior and may even make things worse. Talk about a fail!

But fear not, my friends, for there is hope! We live in an age of innovation and progress. We have evidence-based methods that can actually work. Positive reinforcement, time-outs, detention - these are just a few examples of alternative forms of discipline that are more effective and don't involve hurting children. Imagine that!

And guess what? The American Psychological Association agrees with me. They say that corporal punishment is not an effective way to discipline students and that it can have harmful consequences. They also point out that it's disproportionately used against students of color and students with disabilities. So not only is it ineffective, but it's also discriminatory. Double fail!

But hey, don't take my word for it. Let's look at the numbers. The use of corporal punishment in schools has been on the decline in recent years. More and more states are banning it or allowing parents to opt out. It's like we're finally waking up from a bad dream and realizing that there's a better way.

In fact, just recently, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona urged governors and school leaders to ban corporal punishment in schools. He wants us to replace it with evidence-based methods. You know, because science and stuff. I don't know about you, but I think it's about time we start listening to the experts.

So there you have it, folks. The case against beating on kids in schools is pretty clear. It doesn't work, it's harmful, and it's just plain old-fashioned. Let's leave the spanking to the Fifty Shades of Grey enthusiasts and focus on educating our children in a safe and nurturing environment.

It's 2023, for God's sake! Let's move forward and leave the dark ages behind us. And if anyone tries to argue in favor of corporal punishment, just give them a good slap on the wrist - metaphorically speaking, of course. After all, violence is never the answer... unless you're talking about slapping mosquitoes. Those little bloodsuckers deserve it.

Now go forth, my friends, and spread the word. Let's put an end to this outdated practice once and for all. Our children deserve better!

Texas principal arrested after administering legal corporal punishment | The Texas Tribune 



Corporal punishment in schools is the use of physical force to discipline students. It can include hitting, spanking, and paddling. Corporal punishment is permitted in some schools in the United States, but it is banned in many other countries.

There is a lot of debate about the pros and cons of corporal punishment in schools. Some people believe that it is an effective way to deter bad behavior and teach students discipline. Others believe that it is a form of child abuse and that it can have negative physical and psychological consequences for students.

There is some evidence to suggest that corporal punishment can be effective in reducing student misbehavior in the short term. However, there is also evidence to suggest that it can have negative long-term consequences, such as increased aggression, decreased academic achievement, and mental health problems.

The American Psychological Association (APA) opposes the use of corporal punishment in schools. The APA states that corporal punishment is not an effective way to discipline students and that it can have harmful consequences for both the students and the school environment.

The APA also states that corporal punishment is disproportionately used against students of color and students with disabilities.

There are a number of alternative forms of discipline that can be used in schools, such as positive reinforcement, time-outs, and detention. These alternative forms of discipline are more effective than corporal punishment and they do not have the same negative consequences.

In conclusion, there is no evidence to suggest that corporal punishment is an effective way to discipline students in schools. There is, however, evidence to suggest that it can have negative physical and psychological consequences for students. There are a number of alternative forms of discipline that can be used in schools that are more effective and do not have the same negative consequences.


Corporal punishment in schools that permits hitting, spanking and paddling in schools.

Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical pain by hitting, paddling, spanking, slapping, or any other physical force used as a means of discipline². It is legal in public schools in 19 states in the U.S., including Texas¹³. It is also legal in private schools in every state except New Jersey and Iowa³.

However, corporal punishment is a controversial practice that has been debated by lawmakers, educators, parents, and students. Some argue that it is an effective way to deter misbehavior and teach respect, while others claim that it is abusive, harmful, and violates human rights. Some of the arguments for and against corporal punishment are:

  • - For: Corporal punishment is a traditional and biblical method of discipline that teaches students to obey authority and follow rules. It is a quick and immediate way to correct bad behavior and prevent future problems. It is also a parental choice that should be respected by schools.
  • - Against: Corporal punishment is a form of violence that can cause physical and psychological harm to students, such as bruises, injuries, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and aggression. It is also ineffective and counterproductive, as it does not address the root causes of misbehavior and may increase resentment and defiance. It is also a violation of human dignity and rights that should be protected by schools.

The use of corporal punishment in schools has declined significantly in recent years, as more states have banned it or allowed parents to opt out of it. A U.S. Education Department report found that the number of students who received corporal punishment dropped by more than one-third between the 2013-14 school year and the 2017-18 school year¹. In March 2023, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona urged governors and school leaders to ban corporal punishment in schools and replace it with evidence-based methods, such as positive behavioral interventions¹.

Bing, 9/20/2023

(1) Texas Education Code Section 37.0011 - Use of Corporal Punishment.

(2) Texas principal arrested after administering legal corporal punishment ....

(3) Corporal punishment: when schools spank |



In a recent hearing, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters, also known as the Mad Maga Monk of Oklahoma Education, spoke on behalf of the Koch Network and made some bold claims about Chinese influence in American schools. According to Walters, the Chinese government is actively running or ruining schools in the US, using a program called Confucius Classrooms as a front organization to spread communism. Walters went on to say that the Koch Network is totally different because they only spread fascism, not evil communism. He emphasized that they don't want anything in their schools that doesn't spread white Christian nationalism culture.

The Mad Monk claimed that he was only doing a preemptive strike on Chinese critical race theory. However, it seems like he was parroting the Koch Network front group Parents Defending Education's talking points almost verbatim. Walters demanded that nothing be taught in Oklahoma but MAGA culture and history.

The Confucius Classroom Program is a Chinese government initiative that promotes Chinese language and culture around the world. The program provides funding to schools and other institutions to establish Confucius Classrooms, which offer Chinese language and culture classes to students of all ages. The CCP has been controversial, with some critics arguing that it promotes Chinese propaganda and nationalism.

But let's be real here, the Mad Monk's claims are just plain ridiculous. The idea that the Chinese government is secretly infiltrating American schools to spread communism is straight out of a bad spy movie. And the idea that the Koch Network is any better because they only spread fascism is just laughable.

It's clear that the Mad Monk and his allies at Parents Defending Education are just trying to stir up controversy and push their own agenda. They want to ban anything that doesn't fit their narrow worldview, even if it means denying students the opportunity to learn about other cultures and perspectives.

But let's not forget that there are plenty of programs sponsored by the US government that promote language and culture learning in other countries. These programs are designed to foster cross-cultural understanding and friendship, not to spread propaganda or undermine other countries.

So let's all take a deep breath and remember that learning about other cultures and perspectives is a good thing. It helps us to understand and appreciate the world around us, and it makes us better global citizens. And if the Mad Monk and his allies can't see that, well, maybe they need to go back to school themselves.


'The Chinese Government Set Up In Schools To Spread Communism': Walters Testifies To US House Committee 

Little Red Classrooms - Parents Defending Education

'The Chinese Government Set Up In Schools To Spread Communism': Walters Testifies To US House Committee 



The Confucius Classroom Program (CCP) is a Chinese government initiative to promote Chinese language and culture around the world. It was established in 2004 by the Hanban, an affiliate of the Chinese Ministry of Education.

The CCP provides funding to schools and other institutions to establish Confucius Classrooms, which offer Chinese language and culture classes to students of all ages. Confucius Classrooms are typically staffed by Chinese teachers and offer a variety of courses, including Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese history, and Chinese art.

The CCP has been controversial, with some critics arguing that it is a form of Chinese soft power and that it promotes Chinese propaganda. However, supporters of the CCP argue that it is a valuable program that provides students with the opportunity to learn about Chinese language and culture.

**Deep Dive**

  • The CCP has grown rapidly since its inception. In 2004, there were only 100 Confucius Classrooms worldwide. By 2023, there were over 5,000 Confucius Classrooms in over 150 countries.
  • The CCP is funded by the Chinese government and by tuition fees from students. In 2018, the Chinese government spent $1.5 billion on the CCP.
  • The CCP is administered by the Hanban, which is an affiliate of the Chinese Ministry of Education. The Hanban provides funding and support to Confucius Classrooms around the world.
  • The CCP is staffed by Chinese teachers who are typically sent to Confucius Classrooms by the Chinese government. These teachers are responsible for teaching Chinese language and culture classes to students.
  • Confucius Classrooms offer a variety of courses, including Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese history, and Chinese art. Some Confucius Classrooms also offer courses on Chinese business and economics.
  • Confucius Classrooms are typically located in schools, universities, and cultural centers. They are open to students of all ages and backgrounds.


  • The CCP has been controversial since its inception. Some critics argue that it is a form of Chinese soft power and that it promotes Chinese propaganda. These critics point to the fact that the CCP is funded by the Chinese government and that Chinese teachers are typically sent to Confucius Classrooms by the Chinese government.
  • Critics also argue that the CCP is used by the Chinese government to promote its own values and interests. For example, some Confucius Classrooms have been accused of promoting Chinese nationalism and of censoring information about China's human rights record.
  • Supporters of the CCP argue that it is a valuable program that provides students with the opportunity to learn about Chinese language and culture. They argue that the CCP is not a form of Chinese propaganda and that it does not promote Chinese nationalism.
  • Supporters of the CCP also argue that the CCP is important for promoting mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world. They argue that the CCP helps to build bridges between China and other countries and that it promotes cultural exchange.


  • The CCP is a complex and controversial program. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of the CCP before deciding whether or not to participate in the program.
  • If you are considering participating in the CCP, it is important to do your research and to choose a Confucius Classroom that is reputable and that offers a high-quality curriculum. It is also important to be aware of the potential for Chinese government interference in the CCP.
  • If you are a student who is considering taking classes at a Confucius Classroom, it is important to be critical of the information that you are presented with. It is also important to be aware of the potential for censorship and to seek out information from a variety of sources.


The Confucius Classroom program is a global initiative that aims to promote Chinese language and culture in foreign primary and secondary schools. The program is sponsored by the Chinese government and affiliated with the Confucius Institute, which operates in universities and colleges around the world. The program provides funding, resources, teachers, and curriculum support to local schools that want to offer Chinese language and culture courses to their students. The program also facilitates cultural exchanges and sister school relationships between schools in China and other countries.

The Confucius Classroom program has been praised for its benefits in enhancing students' intercultural competence, global awareness, and career opportunities. Some of the benefits of the program are:

  • - It offers students a chance to learn one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, which can open up new possibilities for communication, travel, and work.
  • - It exposes students to the rich and diverse aspects of Chinese culture, such as history, literature, art, music, philosophy, and traditions.
  • - It fosters students' curiosity and appreciation for other cultures and perspectives, which can help them develop critical thinking and empathy skills.
  • - It encourages students to participate in various activities and events that showcase their learning achievements and celebrate cultural diversity.
  • - It connects students with peers and teachers from different backgrounds and countries, which can enhance their cross-cultural understanding and friendship.

However, the Confucius Classroom program has also been criticized for its controversies in terms of its influence, transparency, and academic freedom. Some of the controversies of the program are:

  • - It is seen as a tool of soft power by the Chinese government, which aims to shape the perceptions and opinions of foreign audiences in favor of China's interests and values.
  • - It is accused of censoring or omitting topics that are sensitive or critical of the Chinese government, such as human rights, democracy, Tibet, Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong.
  • - It is suspected of interfering with the academic autonomy and integrity of the host institutions, by imposing restrictions on hiring, curriculum, research, and events.
  • - It is alleged of spying on or influencing students, teachers, and administrators who are involved in the program or who express views that are contrary to the Chinese government's stance.
  • The Confucius Classroom program is a complex and controversial phenomenon that has both positive and negative impacts on education and society. It is important for students, teachers, parents, and policymakers to be aware of the benefits and challenges of the program, and to make informed decisions based on evidence and dialogue. 

Bing, 9/19/2023

  • (1) Confucius Classrooms | Confucius Institute of the State of Washington ....
  • (2) .
  • (3) The Confucius Classroom Conundrum | Opinion - Newsweek.
  • (4) Confucius Institute - Wikipedia.
  • (5) Confucius Classrooms - Confucius Institute of Southern Kentucky.
  • (6) undefined.
  • (7) Confucius Institutes: The growth of China's controversial ... - BBC.
  • (8) .
  • (9) Why are Confucius Institutes closing? - The Washington Post.
  • (10) Confucius Institutes in the United States: Selected Issues - CRS Reports.
  • (11) New Confucius classroom benefits high school students.
  • (12) .
  • (13) undefined.
  • (14) undefined.
  • (15) undefined.

Yes, the U.S. government offers various programs that aim to promote language and culture learning in countries outside the U.S. Some of these programs are:
  • - The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) program, which provides overseas foreign language instruction and cultural immersion experiences for American undergraduate and graduate students in fifteen critical need languages².
  • - The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) programs, which offer full scholarships for American high school students to study abroad on cultural and educational exchange programs³.
  • - The Office of English Language Programs (ELP), which designs and manages programs to support the teaching of English in countries around the world through local American Embassies and Consulates⁴.

These programs are part of the U.S. government's initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages that are critical to our national security and prosperity, as well as to foster cross-cultural understanding and friendship.
 Bing, 9/19/2023
  • (1) Critical Language Scholarship Program | Exchange Programs.
  • (2) Program: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
  • (3) Office of English Language Programs | Bureau of Educational and ....
  • (4) All Language Programs | Critical Languages.

Parents Defending Education (PDE) is a right-leaning organization that opposes the teaching of critical race theory and related left-progressive ideology in K-12 public schools¹. According to its website, PDE was founded in 2021 by Nicole Neily, a former executive director of the Koch-backed Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity².

PDE does not disclose its donors, but some of its funding sources have been revealed by investigative reports and public records. According to a commentary by the Portland Press Herald, PDE raised almost $3.2 million in 2021, and some of its major donors were⁵:

  • - Donors Trust, a dark money operation associated with the Koch network, donated more than $20,000.
  • - The Achelis & Bodman Foundation, which funds voucher and charter school programs and targets public education, contributed $25,000.
  • - Searle Freedom Trust, another right-wing donor with ties to Donors Trust, contributed $250,000.

Another report by Mass Politics Profs found that PDE has connections to other Koch-backed groups, such as the Independent Women's Forum and the State Policy Network⁸. PDE also shares staff and board members with these groups, such as Asra Nomani, who is a senior fellow at the Independent Women's Forum and a board member of PDE⁸.

PDE is part of a larger network of conservative groups that are carrying out a campaign to ban books from school libraries, often focused on works that address race, LGBTQ issues or marginalized communities⁷. Some of these groups include Moms for Liberty, No Left Turn in Education, and the National School Choice Week. These groups are often linked to deep-pocketed rightwing donors, such as the DeVos family, the Walton family, and the Bradley Foundation⁷⁹.

PDE has also filed racism complaints with the U.S. Department of Education against several school districts that have supposedly admitted to engaging in “systemic racism”¹. PDE claims that such admissions violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act and make the districts ineligible for federal funds¹. PDE also opposes masking policies, remote learning, and evidence-based curricula that it dislikes¹.

PDE provides parents with step-by-step guides to ask questions of school board members and school administrators and instructs them on writing op-eds and on how to talk to the media¹. It also provides templates for parents to file Freedom of Information Act requests, a guide to parents’ rights, organizing strategies, and talking points¹. PDE says its goal is to “empower, expose and engage” parents to combat critical race theory and other indoctrination in schools¹. The organization’s website includes an “IndoctriNation Map,” allowing parents to look up school districts and “learn about parents organizations, incidents and FOIAs”¹.

Bing, 9/19/2023

  • (1) Many “Parent” Groups Opposing Masks and CRT Are Actually ... - Truthout.
  • (2) Parents Defending Education - InfluenceWatch.
  • (3) Commentary: Parents Defending Education is not at all what it says it is.
  • (4) Koch Connections and Sham Grassroots of Parents Defending Education.
  • (5) US conservatives linked to rich donors wage campaign to ban books from ....
  • (6) undefined.
  • (7) Parents Defending Education Action.
  • (8) undefined.
  • (9) .