Wednesday, September 20, 2023




Dads, listen up! You may think that your role in your child's education is limited to paying for their textbooks and nagging them to do their homework, but a recent study has shown that you can do so much more. In fact, you can be the key to unlocking your child's full potential!

According to the University of Leeds, fathers who engage in playful and educational activities with their children can have a "unique and important effect" on their educational outcomes. That's right, dads, you have the power to shape your child's future with just ten minutes of quality time a day. So put down that remote and pick up a book, because it's time to get involved!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But I don't know how to read!" Well, fear not, my illiterate friend. There are plenty of other ways to engage with your child that don't require any literacy skills whatsoever. For example, you could play a game of catch, sing a silly song, or draw a picture together. The possibilities are endless!

And don't worry if you're not the most creative person in the world. Your child doesn't care if your drawings look like they were done by a drunk monkey with a crayon. They just want to spend time with you and have fun. So let loose and embrace your inner child!

But wait, there's more! The study also found that greater involvement by fathers before their child attends primary school gives an educational advantage to children in their first year. So if you have a little one at home, now is the perfect time to start building that bond.

And if your child is already in primary school, don't worry. It's never too late to get involved. In fact, greater involvement at five can help increase attainment in key stage 1 assessments at seven. So even if you've been slacking off until now, there's still time to make a difference.

So what are you waiting for, dads? It's time to put down that beer and pick up a board game. Your child's future is in your hands (or rather, your funny bone). Let's show those mums who's boss!

Fathers have ‘unique effect’ on children’s educational outcomes, study finds | Children | The Guardian 



Fathers play a vital role in their children's education, and their involvement can have a significant impact on their children's academic success. Research has shown that children with involved fathers are more likely to:

  • * Earn higher grades and test scores
  • * Have better attendance and fewer behavioral problems
  • * Graduate from high school and go on to college
  • * Be successful in their careers

There are a number of ways that fathers can be involved in their children's education. Some simple things that fathers can do include:

  • * Talking to their children about their day and their schoolwork
  • * Helping their children with homework
  • * Reading to their children
  • * Attending school events and parent-teacher conferences
  • * Volunteering at their children's school
  • * Showing interest in their children's academic and extracurricular activities

Fathers can also support their children's education by creating a positive and supportive home environment. This means providing their children with a quiet place to study, helping them to develop good study habits, and encouraging them to do their best.

Here are some specific examples of how fathers can support their children's education:

  • * **Read to your children every day.** This is one of the best things you can do to help your children develop a love of reading and learning.
  • * **Help your children with their homework.** This doesn't mean doing their homework for them, but it does mean being available to help them when they need it.
  • * **Talk to your children about their school day.** Ask them what they learned, what they enjoyed, and what they found challenging.
  • * **Attend school events and parent-teacher conferences.** This shows your children that you are interested in their education and that you support their teachers.
  • * **Volunteer at your children's school.** This is a great way to get involved in your children's education and to show your support for the school community.
  • * **Show interest in your children's academic and extracurricular activities.** Go to their sporting events, plays, and concerts. Ask them about their interests and hobbies.

Fathers who are involved in their children's education are not only helping their children to succeed academically, but they are also helping them to develop into well-rounded and successful adults.


The importance of dad in the success of a child's education. Here are some key points:

  • - When fathers are involved in the lives of their children, especially their education, children learn more, perform better in school, and exhibit healthier behavior¹.
  • - Fathers play an important role in a child's development and can affect a child's social competence, performance in school and emotion regulation³.
  • - Fathers can also influence a child's well-being indirectly through their relationship with the child's mother. Supportive co-parenting relationships are related to better self-regulation and fewer behavior problems in children³.
  • - Fathers are not just helpers for mothers but are important to children in their own right. For example, preschoolers with involved fathers have stronger verbal skills than those with less involved fathers¹. Girls who have a close, warm relationship with their father have stronger math skills and abilities¹. Boys with highly involved fathers in their life receive higher grades and perform a year above their expected age level on achievement tests¹.

Bing, 9/20/2023

  • (1) Father Involvement in Education |
  • (2) The Importance of Fathers for Child Development - Psychology Today.
  • (3) Father Involvement in Education |
  • (4) The Importance of Fathers for Child Development - Psychology Today.
  • (5) Why Fatherhood Is Important to a Child’s Education.
  • (6) .
  • (7) undefined.