Wednesday, July 26, 2023




Attention Arizona citizens! Have you heard the news? The Public School Replacement Program, also known as the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA), is taking over our state! And it's not just taking over, it's eating Arizona alive!

According to Gov. Katie Hobbs' office, the ESA program has caused a $319 million deficit in voucher spending. That's right, folks, our tax dollars are being used to fund this program that lacks oversight and has the potential to divert public funds from public schools.

But wait, there's more! The top two administrators of the ESA program, Christine Accurso and Linda Rizzo, have resigned. Why, you ask? Well, we don't know for sure, but their departure comes at a time when the program is under scrutiny. Could it be that they saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump ship before it's too late?

Accurso claims that she took the ESA position to clean up the program, and having successfully done that, she has chosen to move on. Clean up the program? More like sweep the problems under the rug and hope no one notices. And Rizzo? She's leaving to pursue other opportunities. Translation: she's getting out while the getting is good.

The ESA program has been controversial since its inception, and the resignations of Accurso and Rizzo will likely add fuel to the fire. The program has been criticized for its lack of oversight and potential to divert public funds from public schools. And let's not forget that there are no regulations governing how ESA funds can be used. It's like giving a kid a blank check and hoping they spend it wisely.

But hey, why stop there? Let's expand the program even more! Republican Representative Jake Hoffman is sponsoring legislation that would allow all Arizona students to participate in the program, regardless of their income. Because who needs public schools anyway, right? Let's just throw all our tax dollars at a program with no oversight and questionable results.

In case you're not convinced that the ESA program is eating Arizona alive, let's look at some numbers. Enrollment in the program has more than doubled in the past year, with over 60,500 students now participating. And according to the Arizona Department of Education, the program will cost $900 million in fiscal year 2024. That's a lot of money for a program with no regulations and questionable results.

So what's next for the ESA program? Who knows! The Arizona Department of Education is now responsible for finding replacements for Accurso and Rizzo. Will they find someone who will clean up the program and bring oversight? Or will they find someone who will continue to sweep problems under the rug?

In conclusion, Arizona citizens, we need to pay attention to what's happening with the Public School Replacement Program. It's eating our state alive, and we need to hold our elected officials accountable for their decisions. Let's demand oversight and regulations for the ESA program before it's too late. And let's not forget that public schools are important too. After all, they're where most of us got our education, right?

Leaders of Arizona's school voucher program abruptly resign | 

Head of Arizona's school voucher program resigns after less than a year on the job | KJZZ

Empowerment Scholarship Account head Christine Accurso resigns