Monday, June 19, 2023





Buckle up babies, because we're about to explore the antics of two governors who are giving us major Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber vibes: Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas.

First up, let's talk about DeSantis. This guy is like a mini-Trump, with his own brand of brashness and disregard for science. He's been making headlines lately for his refusal to implement mask mandates and vaccine requirements, even as COVID-19 cases surge in his state. But that's not all - DeSantis has also been pushing some truly bizarre policies, like his recent decision to ban schools from teaching critical race theory.

Now, let's turn our attention to Abbott. This guy is like DeSantis' Texan cousin, with a similar disregard for public health and a penchant for pandering to the far-right. He's been in the news lately for his controversial decision to lift the state's mask mandate and other COVID-19 restrictions, despite warnings from health experts. But Abbott's antics don't stop there - he's also been pushing some truly ridiculous policies, like his recent attempt to ban plant-based meat products from being labeled as "meat."

So, which of these two governors is more Trumpy? It's a tough call, but we're going to have to give the edge to DeSantis. While Abbott certainly has his own brand of right-wing pandering, DeSantis seems to be actively trying to emulate Trump's style and policies. From his attacks on the media to his embrace of conspiracy theories, DeSantis is like a mini-me version of the former president.

But let's be real - at the end of the day, both of these governors are pretty ridiculous. They're more concerned with scoring political points than actually governing effectively, and their policies reflect that. Whether they're banning critical race theory or trying to regulate what can and can't be called "meat," it's clear that these guys are more interested in playing to their base than actually doing what's best for their constituents.

So, what can we do about it? Well, for starters, we can call out their nonsense when we see it. We can demand that they actually start prioritizing public health and safety over their own political ambitions. And we can vote them out of office if they refuse to listen.

In the meantime, though, we might as well sit back and enjoy the show. After all, with DeSantis and Abbott at the helm, there's never a dull moment in American politics.

According to BING, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are both Republican governors who share similar policy platforms with **Donald Trump**, such as tax cuts, conservative judges, hardline immigration stances, and scepticism of US aid to Ukraine¹². However, there are also some differences between them.

DeSantis is more of a culture warrior who opposes the "woke" agenda and portrays himself as an outsider who can challenge the Washington establishment¹. He is also less prone to making shocking or offensive remarks than Trump, and sticks more to the script¹. He has been endorsed by Trump in the past and may be more popular among the Republican base than Trump².

Abbott is more of a populist who embraces the anti-globalisation crusade and pushes for controversial policies such as banning mask mandates and restricting abortion rights². He is also less ideological and more pragmatic than DeSantis, and has a more cordial relationship with Trump³. He has also been endorsed by Trump for reelection in 2022².

Ultimately, both DeSantis and Abbott are influenced by Trump's style and agenda, but they have their own personalities and strategies. Some analysts suggest that DeSantis is more likely and formidable a presidential contender than Abbott, while others warn that both of them pose a threat to democracy¹³⁴.

Bing, 6/19/2023

(1) Trump v DeSantis: how the two Republican presidential.

(2) Trump's Niece Compares DeSantis and Abbott to the Former President.

(3) Ron DeSantis looms large over Greg Abbott in Texas - The Texas Tribune.

(4) Trump and Gov. DeSantis: Compare and contrast | Letters - Tampa Bay Times.