Tuesday, May 30, 2023




It's a battle as old as time: the clash between the moms. But this time, it's not just about whose kid is the best at soccer or who bakes the best cookies. No, this time it's a battle for the future of education and society. On one side, we have Moms for Liberty, a conservative group that wants to make schools suck again. On the other side, we have the Other Mothers, a diverse coalition of progressive parents who believe in science, democracy, and social justice. It's the Great Mommy War, and it's about to get real.

Let's start with Moms for Liberty. These ladies (and maybe a few dudes) are on a mission to ruin education for everyone. They're against mask mandates, critical race theory, and basically anything that doesn't fit into their narrow view of the world. They're like the Grinches of education, trying to steal all the joy and progress from our children. But they're not just content with ruining education, they also want to harass school officials and sue school districts. Because why not? It's not like we have better things to do with our time and money.

But fear not, dear readers, because the Other Mothers are here to save the day. These moms are not afraid to stand up to Moms for Liberty and call out their hypocrisy and lies. When Moms for Liberty claimed that mask mandates were harming children's mental health, the Other Mothers pointed out that Moms for Liberty was actually harming children's mental health by creating a hostile and unsafe environment in schools. When Moms for Liberty claimed that critical race theory was teaching children to hate America, the Other Mothers pointed out that Moms for Liberty was actually teaching children to hate America by promoting racism and bigotry.

But the Other Mothers aren't just about calling out Moms for Liberty's nonsense. They're also using humor and satire to mock their absurdity and extremism. When Moms for Liberty protested outside a school board meeting with signs that read "No More Masks", "Stop Indoctrinating Our Kids", and "CRT Is Evil", the Other Mothers showed up with signs that read "No More Pants", "Stop Vaccinating Our Kids", and "Math Is Evil". They even created a parody website called Moms for Anarchy, which featured slogans such as "We Don't Need No Education" and "Let Them Eat Cake". Because if you can't laugh at the absurdity of it all, what's the point?

But this conflict between Moms for Liberty and the Other Mothers is more than just a battle of wits. It's a battle of visions. Moms for Liberty want to take us back to a time when education was one-size-fits-all and anyone who didn't fit into their narrow view of the world was left behind. The Other Mothers want to create a world where education is inclusive, progressive, and based on science and social justice. It's a battle between fear and hope, exclusion and inclusion, regression and progression.

So what can we do to support the Other Mothers in this battle? First, we can show up at rallies and school board meetings to let our voices be heard. We can write letters to our elected officials to demand that they support public education and reject the nonsense spouted by Moms for Liberty. We can even run for school boards ourselves to make sure that our children are getting the education they deserve.

The Great Mommy War may be just beginning, but we have the power to make sure that the Other Mothers come out on top. So let's grab our signs (and maybe some cake) and get ready to fight for our children's future. Because if we don't stand up to Moms for Liberty now, who knows what kind of world our children will inherit?

The Moms Fighting Against Moms for Liberty https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/moms-for-liberty-defense-of-democracy-red-wine-and-blue-education-politics.html 

STOP Moms For Liberty (National) | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/stopmomsforliberty/ 

Moms for Liberty Has Aggressive, Predatory Tactics—and They’re Working https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy3gnq/what-is-moms-for-liberty