Wednesday, May 17, 2023



Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there were a group of aliens who were assigned to claim the body of a child on planet Earth. They all stood in line, waiting for the exact moment the child would be born. Little did they know, they were in for a wild ride.

The first alien in line was assigned a boy's body. He was excited to experience life as a human male. He couldn't wait to play sports, eat junk food, and be a typical boy. The second alien was assigned a girl's body. She was thrilled to finally understand the complexities of being a human female. She was eager to wear dresses, experiment with makeup, and gossip with her new human friends.

The third alien in line was assigned a body that was confused about gender. This alien was nervous about the challenges that lay ahead. How would they navigate a world that was so binary? Would they be accepted for who they truly were? Only time would tell.

The fourth alien was assigned a disabled body. This alien was initially disappointed, but then realized the incredible strength and resilience of those with disabilities. They were excited to experience life in a different way and learn from those around them.

The fifth alien was assigned a rich body. This alien was ecstatic about the endless possibilities that came with wealth. They couldn't wait to buy fancy cars, go on luxurious vacations, and live in a mansion. The sixth alien was assigned a poor body. This alien was initially worried about how they would survive in a world where money was everything, but then realized the beauty of simplicity and the importance of community.

The seventh alien was assigned a fat body. This alien was nervous about the stigma that came with being overweight, but then realized the incredible power and beauty of their body. They were excited to challenge societal norms and show the world that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. The eighth and final alien was assigned a skinny body. This alien was thrilled to finally understand what it was like to be able to eat whatever they wanted without gaining weight. They were excited to finally fit into clothes that they had always dreamed of wearing.

As the aliens stood in line, they chatted nervously amongst themselves. They wondered what kind of world they were about to enter and what kind of challenges they would face. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room and a loud cry echoed through the air. The child had been born.

The aliens quickly rushed forward, eager to claim their new bodies. As they entered their new human forms, they were overwhelmed with emotions. They felt joy, fear, excitement, and confusion all at once. But most importantly, they felt alive.

As they looked around at each other, they realized that they were all in this together. They were all experiencing the same wild ride called life, and they were grateful to have each other for support. They smiled at each other and set off into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And so, the aliens began their new lives on planet Earth. They laughed, cried, and learned together. They faced challenges and overcame obstacles. But most importantly, they lived. And they lived fully, embracing every moment and every aspect of their new human bodies.

In the end, the aliens realized that being human was a wild and crazy adventure, full of ups and downs. But they wouldn't have it any other way. For in this crazy world, they had found each other and had discovered what it truly meant to be alive.