Monday, May 17, 2021

Why is “Critical Race Theory” Controversial and What Is it? | Diane Ravitch's blog

Why is “Critical Race Theory” Controversial and What Is it? | Diane Ravitch's blog
Why is “Critical Race Theory” Controversial and What Is it?

In several states, the Governor and Legislature have denounced “critical race theory” and even (in Idaho and some other states) banned it from their schools. The controversy over teaching about race gained ground when former President Trump condemned CRT as divisive and launched his own quickie commission to teach “patriotic” education. The object seems to be to minimize or eliminate teaching about racism, past or present.

Retired teacher Nancy Flanagan dissected the controversy here, in one of the best-informed analyses.

It seems that the white adults want children to think of their country as one without faults, flaws, blemishes, or systematic oppression. To see our history whole, the good and the bad, they think, will undermine love of country.

The National Education Policy Center published a useful overview of the controversy and concluded that teaching CONTINUE READING: Why is “Critical Race Theory” Controversial and What Is it? | Diane Ravitch's blog