Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Importance Of Being Delusional | Blue Cereal Education

The Importance Of Being Delusional | Blue Cereal Education
The Importance Of Being Delusional

Wile E. Coyote Moment Of ClarityYou may remember the old Roadrunner cartoons where Wile E. Coyote, distracted by his mad pursuit of his prey, runs right off the edge of a cliff before pausing in mid-air. Oddly, he’s fine as long as he doesn’t look down and notice the reality of his situation. If he’d just kept running, he might have made it to the other side of the gap (where his nemesis had already paused to “Beep! Beep!” at him before speeding away). 

Eventually, however, he does look down. He takes a moment to emote defeat or despair, sometimes even waving to us or holding up a cute little sign offering concise commentary on his plight. Then... he plummets to the ground far below, reappearing after the commercial to begin his next futile effort to catch that $#%&* bird.  

Imagine, however, if Wile simply accepted the reality of his situation before running off the cliff. What if he looked at his track record, and that of the Road Runner, and realized that statistically he was probably never going to catch the thing and that his CONTINUE READING: The Importance Of Being Delusional | Blue Cereal Education