Friday, May 21, 2021

Indoctrinate this, part 1: The voices of the Great Migration laugh at Richard Corcoran - Public Enemy Number 1

Indoctrinate this, part 1: The voices of the Great Migration laugh at Richard Corcoran - Public Enemy Number 1
Indoctrinate this, part 1: The voices of the Great Migration laugh at Richard Corcoran
A grifter who can't make finalist in a university president search rigged for him is no match for the honest, competitive study of America -- which is an unpoliceable classroom without walls.

I was already in the process of writing and documenting this piece about The Great Migration’s relevance to today’s economic and social moment when the comical ball of failure and grift that is Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran did what he tends to do.

He helped me — by saying really dumb stuff.

Indeed, it’s hard to quantify all the usefully dumb stuff he said to an audience at Hillsdale College during his recent freestyle Facebook rant dressed up as a Q&A. I will try, bit by bit, in weeks to come.

But the passage that follows is most relevant to this article. It’s about the importance of indoctrinating your kids and mine with whatever nonsense Richard Corcoran claims to believe at any given time. I see no evidence he actually believes in anything but petty personal dominance, which means the “indoctrination” will morph from moment to moment if he think he can bully you with it. Indeed, note the part in bold at the end. I think it illustrates pretty well Corcoran’s embarrassing sense of himself as tiny dictator.

But you have to police it on a daily basis, it’s 185,000 teachers in a classroom with CONTINUE READING: Indoctrinate this, part 1: The voices of the Great Migration laugh at Richard Corcoran - Public Enemy Number 1