Wednesday, May 12, 2021

2021 Medley #6 – We Slide into Superstition and Darkness | Live Long and Prosper

2021 Medley #6 – We Slide into Superstition and Darkness | Live Long and Prosper
2021 Medley #6 – We Slide into Superstition and Darkness


N.J. school nurse fails science, experts say, in comments about face masks.

Sadly, this nurse at the center of this article has failed to keep up with the science she (should have) learned in nursing school.

One of the arguments Nurse Pein gives for being against masks is that it causes damage to the mental health of children. More first-graders are suffering from anxiety and depression, she claims. She blames the masks but fails science in at least two ways.

Science lesson #1

First, her conclusion is based on a small sample size, just one school. Any good scientist will tell you that a large enough sample size is necessary before concluding that a hypothesis is correct. Small samples increase the margin of error and reduce the confidence level. Are the first-graders in her school representative of all the first-graders in the state…the country…the world? Obviously not. Perhaps there’s something happening in her community that is causing stress among the population of young children — something like a CONTINUE READING: 2021 Medley #6 – We Slide into Superstition and Darkness | Live Long and Prosper