Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Black Scream and the American Dream - Philly's 7th Ward

The Black Scream and the American Dream - Philly's 7th Ward

Black people have been screaming forever yet in higher pitches since 2020. Given technological advances, we get to show you our lived experience of pain on camera. You get to see on live footage the murder of our people by some bad apples in blue uniforms. We get to share our own personalized trauma on social media platforms and maybe for once receive empathy. Our scream has been amplified and we recognize digital platforms as our co-authoring friend.

One thing for sure, you’d have to live under a rock to honestly say, “I haven’t heard a Black person scream.” Let me be more explicit, all races demonstrate pain which includes violence, abuse, and depression that can result in detrimental impacts on health. Hell, we even cry out for help in our spiritual places of worship. The unfortunate silent elephant in the room is that our Black scream has become normalized.

But it is not O.K. It took a global pandemic for our communities to freely speak about the urgent need to heal from our pain. Many individuals across our melanin diaspora are advocating to find ways to heal and tend to self- CONTINUE READING: The Black Scream and the American Dream - Philly's 7th Ward