Sunday, April 18, 2021

Laura Chapman on Michael Fullan | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman on Michael Fullan | Diane Ravitch's blog
Laura Chapman on Michael Fullan

I recently posted a long article by Michael Fullan that proposed a new paradigm for education reform. I found Fullan’s dismissal of the status quo persuasive, as well as his description of a forward-looking approach.

Laura Chapman, inveterate researcher and loyal reader, reviewed Fullan’s recent work and was disappointed with what she found:

If ever any paper needed close reading this is it, especially Fullan’s discussion of the 6C’s, 21st Century Skills, and vague references to some ancillary research in California and Australia.

I am working on learning more about at least one of Fullan’s California projects. Unfortunately there are no peer-reviewed summary of accomplishments.

Here is a link if you also want to see what assessment looked like in one Fullan project, a three-year $10 million effort to improve the performance of English Learners including long-term English Learners, funded by the California School Boards Association and several non-profits.

You will see that the main measures of accomplishment CONTINUE READING: Laura Chapman on Michael Fullan | Diane Ravitch's blog