Thursday, April 8, 2021

Jack Schneider: What is “Public” about Public Education? | Diane Ravitch's blog

Jack Schneider: What is “Public” about Public Education? | Diane Ravitch's blog
Jack Schneider: What is “Public” about Public Education?

Jack Schneider is a historian of education at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. He and Jennifer Berkshire recently published a superb book, A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door, which I recommend to you.

The “Public” in Public Schools

There are two stories that we tell over and over these days about our schools. The first is that schools are a mechanism for getting ahead in our society. In a competition of each against every, schools are the ostensibly meritocratic sorting mechanism that determines who gets what. The second story is that schools are the engine of the economy. Education builds human capital, which in turn promotes economic growth.

These aren’t entirely wrong. Despite the fact that the privileged work feverishly to tilt the playing field for their children, schools can and often do serve a leveling function. And it is impossible to imagine the American economy thriving in the same way without an educated populace. Yet this is a torturously narrow way of understanding the value of public education.

We don’t have public schools in this country so that CONTINUE READING: Jack Schneider: What is “Public” about Public Education? | Diane Ravitch's blog