Monday, April 5, 2021

It Really Does Matter | okeducationtruths

It Really Does Matter | okeducationtruths
It Really Does Matter

Sometimes when I follow the happenings of the Oklahoma Legislature, I just shake my head and repeat the mantra I learned from that 1979 Bill Murray classic, Meatballs

So far, the First Session of the 58th Oklahoma Legislature is shaping up to be as bad – if not worse – than the First Session of the 53rd. Let’s review. 

The 2010 election brought us Gov. Fallin and State Superintendent She Who Shall not be Named. It also led to the 2011 legislative session that gave us:

  • Third grade retention law (since significantly improved)
  • A-F report cards for schools (modified several times since, marginally improved)
  • Private school vouchers (since increased)
  • Teacher evaluations tied to test scores (removed from law before ever happening)

This is merely a sample of educational reforms passed (without additional funding, I might add) ten years ago. At the time, it was a low-water mark for public schools. Gradually, though, some of the bad policies improved, or went away entirely. That change happened because we as public school advocates fought for it. 

One notable example of this was in 2015. That year, the Oklahoma Legislature passed HB CONTINUE READING: It Really Does Matter | okeducationtruths