Saturday, April 24, 2021

Angie Sullivan: Restorative Justice Requires Funding to Help Kids | Diane Ravitch's blog

Angie Sullivan: Restorative Justice Requires Funding to Help Kids | Diane Ravitch's blog
Angie Sullivan: Restorative Justice Requires Funding to Help Kids

Angie Sullivan teaches impoverished children in Las Vegas. She believes that restorative justice could help them, but only if it is funded.

How do you kill a bill without voting against it?
You take something important like restorative justice – which should be wraparound services and not give any funding. Wraparound services make a huge difference for students. This program is just buzzwords without the services and supplies. Restorative Justice requires money.
Folks need to talk about the wraparound services part of restorative justice.
364 campuses – one teacher to practice and train others = $29 million.
Double that for the basic need supplies you will need to stock up the pantries. Another $29 million
Many teachers keep snacks, bathroom supplies, deodorant, clothing etc in our classrooms for kids. This forces us to take from our own family money and time to address basic needs of students in our path. Nevada Legislators have zero problem demanding that of us and then everyone can complain because we did not give CONTINUE READING: 
Angie Sullivan: Restorative Justice Requires Funding to Help Kids | Diane Ravitch's blog