Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A Decade After Act 10, Wisconsin Students Win, Betsy DeVos and Scott Walker Lose - Education Votes

A Decade After Act 10, Wisconsin Students Win, Betsy DeVos and Scott Walker Lose - Education Votes
A Decade After Act 10, Wisconsin Students Win, Betsy DeVos and Scott Walker Lose

By Amanda Menas

Over the last 10 years since the passage of Act 10 in Wisconsin, educators have been organizing and advocating for pro-public education candidates at every level to ensure their students have safe and healthy learning environments.

Now, students and educators can celebrate the election of Dr. Jill Underly as the next State Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction. Throughout her campaign, Underly showed voters her commitment to public schools and her passion for education equity. WEAC members canvassed virtually and in person, fundraised, and sent information to over 100,000 voters across the state. This victory shows that the political momentum is clearly on the side of those who believe in great public schools and public investment in helping students succeed.

“Dr. Underly has committed to working toward repairing or replacing the school funding formula so it is equitable to all students regardless of their ZIP code,” said WEAC President Ron Martin. Underly is currently the District Administrator Pecatonica Area School District and has decades of classroom experience.

Deb Kerr, Underly’s opponent in the race, spent her campaign attacking LGBTQ+ students, educators, and the labor movement. Her loss was a direct rejection of Senator Ron Johnson, Scott Walker and former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Instead, by uniting against anti-worker billionaires, educators across Wisconsin voted for Underly turning out at higher rates CONTINUE READING: A Decade After Act 10, Wisconsin Students Win, Betsy DeVos and Scott Walker Lose - Education Votes