Saturday, March 13, 2021

Success Academy Charter Chain Ordered to Pay $2.4 Million to SPED Families | Diane Ravitch's blog

Success Academy Charter Chain Ordered to Pay $2.4 Million to SPED Families | Diane Ravitch's blog
Success Academy Charter Chain Ordered to Pay $2.4 Million to SPED Families

Success Academy charter network was directed by a federal district court judge to pay $2.4 million to families whose children with disabilities were pushed out.

Charter school network Success Academy, which touts its commitment to children “from all backgrounds,” has been ordered to pay over $2.4 million on a Judgment in a case brought by families of five young Black students with learning and other disabilities who sued after the children were pushed out of a Success Academy school in Brooklyn. Success Academy’s efforts to oust the children even included the creation of a “Got to Go” list, as reported by the New York Times in October 2015, which singled out the students they wanted to push out, including the five child plaintiffs.

The lawsuit, brought by New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Advocates for Justice, and Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, concluded on March 10, 2021 with Senior United States District Judge Frederic Block’s ruling, which included a precedent-setting determination that federal CONTINUE READING: Success Academy Charter Chain Ordered to Pay $2.4 Million to SPED Families | Diane Ravitch's blog