Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Peter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog

Peter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog
Peter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit

Peter Greene reviewed the Network for Public Education’s report on for-profit charter schools in Forbes, where he is a regular columnist.

He writes:

It has become cliche for politicians and policy makers to oppose “for profit” charter schools. It’s also a safe stance, because most people agree they’re a bad idea; for-profit charter schools are not legal in almost all states. 

But charter school profiteers have found many loopholes, so that while they may not be able to set up for-profit charters, they can absolutely run charter schools for a profit. That may seem like a distinction without a difference, but the difference is that one is illegal in almost all states, and the other, as outlined in a new report, can be found from coast to coast. The new report, “Chartered for Profit,” from the Network for Public Education examines the size and reach of “the hidden world of charter schools operated for financial gain.” (Full disclosure: I am a member of NPE.)

The most common workaround for operating a charter school for profit is a management corporation. In this CONTINUE READING: Peter Greene: How a Non-Profit Charter School Can be Run for Profit | Diane Ravitch's blog


Big Education Ape: Major New Report Shows that Charters Are Too Often Parasites Weakening Host School Districts | janresseger -