Tuesday, March 2, 2021

CURMUDGUCATION: I've Got A New Blogging Job

CURMUDGUCATION: I've Got A New Blogging Job
I've Got A New Blogging Job

For many years, Diane Ravitch has taken on the task of maintaining a sort of town square for folks who care about the health and future of public education. Most of us who are part of this blogosphere owe her a heap of thanks for helping us find our audiences and for amplifying our voices. 

But right now, Diane is scaling back (so, only 50 posts a week instead of 600) by concentrating on her own original content. The new blog will be a sort of spin-off, a place to keep making available a cross-section of the many, many, many voices lifted in concern about and support for public education. It's fitting that the Network for Public Education do the hosting and managing of the keep-the-lights-on portion of the work; I will be taking on the task of curating the content. 

The goal is to provide a steady, daily sampling of the best of what's out there in the blogging world (which I loosely define to include substacks and op-eds). The pieces will appear here either in their entirety or with a brief excerpt and a link to the full piece. Which format will be up to the original creator. For me, it's a chance to extend the work I've done with the weekly ICYMI collection. 

I have some things to learn about the tech side of wordpress sites, and advice is always welcome. When I first started this blog years ago, I thought it would be cool to use white lettering on a black background--thank God some readers disabused me of that notion. 

If you have content you want to submit for use here, the email address to use is


I can't promise that I'll get to each and every thing sent to me, but I expect to be deeply indebted to people who try to keep me supplied with material. 

The link to share is 


This morning Diane called me "estimable and tireless." I'll do my best to live up to that. 

In the meantime, life will continue as usual here at the Mother Ship, though my productivity here may take a dip or two while I'm working out a new rhythm for my own work. As I used to tell my students, "It'll be an adventure."