Sunday, February 7, 2021

Jeff Bryant: Voucher Programs and Charter Schools - LA Progressive

Voucher Programs and Charter Schools - LA Progressive
Voucher Programs and Charter Schools

Betsy DeVos Is Gone, But Her Education Agenda Is Rolling Out Across the Country

Supporters of public education and school teachers were relieved to see Betsy DeVos leave her job as head of the Department of Education, knowing full well the education policies she and former President Trump supported would go nowhere in a President Biden administration. But they should remain incensed over how her efforts to privatize public schools are being rolled out in state legislatures across the country.

In states as politically diverse as WashingtonArizonaGeorgiaVirginia, and New Hampshire, state legislators are introducing bills to increase the number of charter schools and create new school voucher programs or greatly expand current ones.

According to the Educational Freedom Institute (EFI), a think tank that advocates for vouchers, charter schools, and other forms of “school choice,” there are at least 14 states actively considering legislation to pour greater sums of taxpayer dollars intended for public education into privately operated schools. Many of the bills have been introduced since the November 2020 CONTINUE READING: Voucher Programs and Charter Schools - LA Progressive