Saturday, January 30, 2021

Vaccine for Teachers, Shortages, and The Shock Doctrine | Live Long and Prosper

Vaccine for Teachers, Shortages, and The Shock Doctrine | Live Long and Prosper
Vaccine for Teachers, Shortages, and The Shock Doctrine


Anthony Fauci: ‘Get Teachers Vaccinated as Quickly as We Possibly Can’

Teachers were acclaimed as heroes when the pandemic lockdowns occurred in March. They adapted quickly to new technologies and new circumstances. That changed quickly, however, when people (and the media) realized that not everyone could stay home with their children and help them learn. Getting the “kids back in school” was a high priority. Teachers, apparently, are essential workers after all.

The CDC has guidelines for reopening schools which include making sure that everyone has sufficient PPE, that the school is well ventilated, and that no one, staff or students, should come to school if they test positive or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID. That means, if a school can’t follow those guidelines (and others) it’s not safe to reopen.

Meanwhile, teachers unions are fighting for the health and safety of their members and their members’ students. Our public school infrastructure is not the best and many schools don’t have adequate ventilation, especially older buildings. Most schools don’t have the resources to make sure that all their CONTINUE READING: Vaccine for Teachers, Shortages, and The Shock Doctrine | Live Long and Prosper