Friday, January 22, 2021

NYC Educator: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Students

NYC Educator: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Students
The Mysterious Case of the Missing Students

I was pretty surprised to see a piece about how 2,000 students have not connected at all in NYC.  What surprised me most, though, was how low the number turned out to be. 

To be fair, one of those students happens to be mine. His parents were worried about the virus and sent him back to China. He never bothered to sign out, but was eventually dropped from the register. I have others who have come infrequently. 

I call and check on these kids and don't have a whole lot of success. One of the students who's stopped coming is very bright, and I really hate to see him go. But when I spoke to his dad most recently, he said, "He just doesn't want to do it." If I can't convince CONTINUE READING: