Monday, January 25, 2021

Dana Goldstein: Biden Is Vowing to Reopen Schools Quickly. It Won’t Be Easy. - The New York Times

Biden Is Vowing to Reopen Schools Quickly. It Won’t Be Easy. - The New York Times
Biden Is Vowing to Reopen Schools Quickly. It Won’t Be Easy.
The slow vaccine rollout, and local fights between districts and unions, could make it hard for the president to fulfill his promise.

In his first 48 hours in office, President Biden sought to project an optimistic message about returning the nation’s many homebound students to classrooms. “We can teach our children in safe schools,” he vowed in his inaugural address.

The following day, Mr. Biden signed an executive order promising to throw the strength of the federal government behind an effort to “reopen school doors as quickly as possible.”

But with about half of American students still learning virtually as the pandemic nears its first anniversary, the president’s push is far from certain to succeed. His plan is rolling out just as local battles over reopening have, if anything, become more pitched in recent weeks.

Teachers are uncertain about when they will be vaccinated and fearful of contagion. With alarming case counts across the country and new variants of the coronavirus emerging, unions are fighting efforts to return their members to crowded hallways. Their reluctance comes even as school administrators, mayors and some parents feel increased urgency to restore educational business-as-usual for the millions of students who are struggling academically CONTINUE READING: Biden Is Vowing to Reopen Schools Quickly. It Won’t Be Easy. - The New York Times