Friday, January 29, 2021

Capital Union President Lied To Every Single Teacher In Capital School District | Exceptional Delaware

Capital Union President Lied To Every Single Teacher In Capital School District | Exceptional Delaware
Capital Union President Lied To Every Single Teacher In Capital School District

For the past several months, teachers at Dover High School have been grappling with Covid, remote learning, hybrid learning and the district itself. But it appears their greatest enemy might just be their own union that is supposed to protect teachers.

This past Monday, WDEL had an explosive article about teachers at Dover High School. The news shocked Delaware teachers up and down the state but it didn’t come as a surprise to many. For Leann Ferguson, her actions in reporting the incidents to WDEL were met with mixed results. Many teachers hailed her as a hero for finally reporting things many would not. Others branded her a traitor to the district and Dover High School.

The article dealt mainly with accommodations teachers could get through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how the district responded to those requests. According to the article and Ferguson, one teacher was fired after they were denied an CONTINUE READING: Capital Union President Lied To Every Single Teacher In Capital School District | Exceptional Delaware

The Hierarchy Of The Teachers Union In Delaware | Exceptional Delaware - via @ExcptlDelaware