Friday, January 1, 2021

A 360 DEGREE VIEW – Dad Gone Wild

A 360 DEGREE VIEW – Dad Gone Wild

“Investigations, meditations, careers, relationships were much the same, he mused. They failed because no one thought to ask the right question.”
― Eliot Pattison, The Skull Mantra


It’s taken 364 days to get here, but we have arrived. Today officially marks the last day of a year that certainly ranks among the most challenging. It’s been a year that few would have predicted 365 days ago.

While in many ways it has been a devastating year – I watched my primary source of income crater and my family’s anxiety skyrocket – I don’t want to overlook the many positives that came out of the crisis. With children attending school virtually, I was provided with the opportunity to spend more time with both my children and my wife. It was an opportunity that brought us even closer together,

Before the pandemic, like most families, we were in a constant rush to somewhere. Be it school, work, or kid’s activities, something was always taking precedence and pulling us in different directions. Time together was something to be carved out as opposed to savored. This year has served to reaffirm that I don’t just love my wife, but I really like her as well.

My kids drive me nuts, but by the same token, this extra time with them is something that can never be taken away. Several years ago – when I had been working long hours and not spending nearly as much time with them – we went on a vacation where I suddenly discovered their developing CONTINUE READING: A 360 DEGREE VIEW – Dad Gone Wild