Saturday, December 26, 2020

THIS WEEK'S WILDNESS Dad Gone Wild Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it. + TENNESSEE EDUCATION REPORT

 Dad Gone Wild – Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it.

Dad Gone Wild 
Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it.

DEC 24

“War is fought in mystery. The truth can take days to travel, and ahead of truth flies rumor, and it is ever hard to know what is really happening, and the art of it is to pluck the clean bone of fact from the rotting flesh of fear and lies.” ― Bernard Cornwell, The Last Kingdom ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stocki

DEC 21

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston S. Churchill Things are bad in Tennessee in relation to COVID-19. Case rates are the highest in the country, and open hospital beds are becoming scarce. As Christmas approaches, fears are ratcheting up for another after the holiday explosion. Especially as many schools are scheduled to re-open for in-person learn

DEC 18

“don’t write out of what I know; I write out of what I wonder. I think most artists create art in order to explore, not to give the answers. Poetry and art are not about answers to me; they are about questions.” ― Lucille Clifton As the first 

Dad Gone Wild – Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it.



Just Kidding
Apparently, Gov. Bill Lee doesn’t really believe the COVID-19 pandemic is all that serious. Despite a prime time address Sunday in which he “strongly urged” and made some suggestions, there’s been very little real action. What action there has been reflects a Governor who is not actually all that concerned about the safety and well-being of those in schools. WPLN’s Alexis Marshall has more : But
Thoughts on Dr. Miguel Cardona
Carol Burris from the Network for Public Education shares some thoughts on President-elect Joe Biden’s choice for Education Secretary. Additionally, she includes some notes from Diane Ravitch. Here they are: The Biden Administration selected Dr. Miguel Cardona, the State Superintendent of Connecticut, as his Secretary of Education. We congratulate Dr. Cardona who has dedicated his life to public
Turkey Farmer
Nashville education blogger TC Weber offers some insightful commentary on Gov. Bill Lee’s speech on the state’s ongoing COVID-19 crisis . Here are some highlights: What you missed remains unclear because the Governor managed to address a crisis without offering any clear direction. There were a lot of suggestions, and a few warnings, but no mandates. In essence, a request was entered, that if Ten
Lack of Action
Tonight, Gov. Bill Lee addressed the State of Tennessee in response to a growing crisis as Tennessee is a national and world leader in COVID cases per capita and in the rate of spread of the disease. Lee insisted that masks work and then refused to issue a mask mandate. He did issue an Executive Order that says very little. It limits indoor social gatherings to 10 or less people but allows high s
Kelsey Sends Grinchy Voucher Christmas Card
Tennessee’s “Mr. Voucher” State Senator Brian Kelsey sent Christmas greeting cards with a grinchy message about his non-stop work to privatize Tennessee’s public schools. Apparently, even the “Season of Giving” is one