Wednesday, December 23, 2020

EXTRA: Biden Appoints Dr. Miguel Cardona as Education Secretary | janresseger

EXTRA: Biden Appoints Dr. Miguel Cardona as Education Secretary | janresseger
EXTRA: Biden Appoints Dr. Miguel Cardona as Education Secretary

This is a reblog of Diane Ravitch’s commentary on President Elect Joseph Biden’s appointment of Dr. Miguel Cardona as the next Secretary of Education.

Biden Picks Connecticut Commissioner Miguel Cardona as Secretary of Education

by dianeravitch

President-Elect Joe Biden selected Dr. Miguel Cardona, Commissioner of Education in Connecticut, to be his administration’s Secretary of Education.

The Washington Post wrote about him:

President-elect Joe Biden is set to nominate the commissioner of public schools in Connecticut as his education secretary, settling on a low-profile candidate who has pushed to reopen schools and is not aligned with either side in education policy battles of recent years, two people familiar with the matter said Monday.

Miguel Cardona was named Connecticut’s top schools official last year and if confirmed will have achieved a meteoric rise, moving from an assistant superintendent in Meriden, Conn., a district with 9,000 students, to secretary of education in less than two years.

He was born in Meriden to Puerto Rican parents who lived in public housing. He began his career as a fourth-grade teacher and rocketed up the ranks, becoming the state’s youngest CONTINUE READING: EXTRA: Biden Appoints Dr. Miguel Cardona as Education Secretary | janresseger