Sunday, November 15, 2020

Watch As Kevin Welner and I discuss His New Book “Potential Grizzlies” | Diane Ravitch's blog

Watch As Kevin Welner and I discuss His New Book “Potential Grizzlies” | Diane Ravitch's blog
Watch As Kevin Welner and I discuss His New Book “Potential Grizzlies”

I enjoyed reading Kevin Welner’s new book “Potential Grizzles.” There are many hilarious short pieces about education fads, absurd federal laws, Duncan, DeVos and more.

You will enjoy reading about the innovative Ammocentric Charter School in Arizona. Or the discovery that when the bottom 5% of teachers are fired, another bottom 5% pops up the next year. Or the insight that teachers can be fairly evaluated by their height. Or what happened when a promising student got a growth on her mindset.

Kevin and I discussed the book on a Zoom sponsored by the Network for Public education. We had a lot of laughs thinking about the absurd disconnect between research and policy.

Kevin has pledged any royalties he earns to NPE. I hope you will watch, listen, then buy the book.