Tuesday, November 17, 2020

McKeesport Schools Are Hiding At Least Six More COVID Cases at the High School & Twin Rivers | gadflyonthewallblog

McKeesport Schools Are Hiding At Least Six More COVID Cases at the High School & Twin Rivers | gadflyonthewallblog
McKeesport Schools Are Hiding At Least Six More COVID Cases at the High School & Twin Rivers

At least six more cases of COVID-19 have been identified at McKeesport Area School District, but you wouldn’t know it from administrators.

The information at the Western Pennsylvania district is being kept quiet instead of being released to the public.

So at the high school, two students tested positive, and at Twin Rivers Elementary, three staff and one student were identified as having the virus last week, according to a reliable source close to the school board.

Of those, two of the three Twin Rivers staff are awaiting confirmation of their test results from Allegheny County Health Department. The rest have all been tested and their results confirmed.

However, there are a few additional potential cases that remain to be investigated, according to the same source.

The district used to send out telephone, email and conventional mail alerts when CONTINUE READING: McKeesport Schools Are Hiding At Least Six More COVID Cases at the High School & Twin Rivers | gadflyonthewallblog