Friday, November 13, 2020

Help Me Teach Your Kids in Person. Don’t Rent a Quarantine-Producing Party Bus. | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog

Help Me Teach Your Kids in Person. Don’t Rent a Quarantine-Producing Party Bus. | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog
Help Me Teach Your Kids in Person. Don’t Rent a Quarantine-Producing Party Bus.

My district just began our second quarter of the 2020-21 school year. For high schools, the first quarter entailed a hybrid schedule whereby approximately half of the student body attended on any given day.

We have almost finished the first week in which all students have returned to campus each day.

The first day, I had no students in quarantine.

The second day, I had one, and the third day, I had another, right at the end of the day.

Then today happened, by the end of which 16 more of my students had been assigned two weeks of quarantine.  During the second class period, the remaining students were abuzz about the situation, and it was then that I heard the first one mention a “party bus.”

From what I have been able to determine, it seems that some adults tried to create a homecoming celebration for students, which apparently included a party bus and an improvised homecoming dance. As one might expect during this pandemic, COVID also attended these festivities, the result being number of students in quarantine.

Okay. The principal argument for our returning to full attendance is that These Kids Need CONTINUE READING: Help Me Teach Your Kids in Person. Don’t Rent a Quarantine-Producing Party Bus. | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog