Thursday, November 19, 2020

Federal Judge Permanently Bars DeVos from Diverting CARES Funds to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Federal Judge Permanently Bars DeVos from Diverting CARES Funds to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog
Federal Judge Permanently Bars DeVos from Diverting CARES Funds to Private Schools

While Trump appointees are doing their best to impose their policies before January 20, a federal judge in California told Betsy DeVos in no equivocal terms by a federal judge that she cannot divert CARES money to private schools. The nation’s nearly 100,000 public schools received $13.2 billion in CARES funding, which they were required to share with charter schools and to private schools with low-income students. However, charter schools, religious schools, and private schools also qualified for billions more from the CARES Payroll Protection Program, which excluded public schools. DeVos initially tried to wedge private schools into the public schools’ $13.2 billion fund, even if the private schools had no low-income students. But three federal judges rejected her efforts. Now she is permanently enjoined.

LANSING, Mich — A judge has formally closed the case on U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ efforts to rewrite a section of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and CONTINUE READING: Federal Judge Permanently Bars DeVos from Diverting CARES Funds to Private Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog