Wednesday, October 7, 2020

'I'm overwhelmed': Single parents navigate virtual learning - NonDoc

'I'm overwhelmed': Single parents navigate virtual learning

‘I’m overwhelmed’: Single parents navigate virtual learning

Succeeding in the world of virtual learning can be difficult for students. It can also be difficult for single parents who are now wearing the hat of caregiver, teacher and financial provider.
Home offices have been turned into makeshift classrooms, kitchen tables are now school desks and parents are doing extra planning around their usual work day to ensure that their children are still able to get the education they deserve.
Liz Turner has a third and fifth grader that attend Zarro International Elementary School, a sixth and eighth grader that attend Carver Middle School and a child in pre-k in Tulsa Public Schools. The children attend multiple Zoom meetings a day, four days a week, while completing all of their usual curriculum virtually.
Turner, however, also works full-time for a promotional company, and while her workplace is family oriented, she knows those allowances can only go so far.
“I am uniquely lucky in that my work is very understanding and family oriented, but anyone could lose their job basically,” Turner said. “It’s in the back of your mind: My work is great, they support families and they let me bring the kids in if they’re sick, but at the CONTINUE READING: 'I'm overwhelmed': Single parents navigate virtual learning