Saturday, October 24, 2020

Good News, Teachers: Cloth Masks Do Protect the Wearer | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog

Good News, Teachers: Cloth Masks Do Protect the Wearer | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog
Good News, Teachers: Cloth Masks Do Protect the Wearer

COVID-19 has shaken classroom teaching to its core. It’s like carrying a platter of full water glasses while walking down the aisle of a lurching bus, and doing so daily.

Expect varying degrees of success, and intentionally celebrate those successes in that day to fortify your mental stability.

Believe me when I write that I thank God that he measures out my life in daily installments.

My sanity is grounded in understanding what, exactly, I control and leveraging that control to counter the volley of adjustments to adjustments.

And so, we arrive at mask wearing during this pandemic.

I am relieved that my school district requires students and staff to wear masks, and I am so grateful that I have virtually no pushback from my students regarding this requirement.

One issue under my control involves creating a respectful atmosphere in my room, which includes explaining why mask wearing is important to me; modeling the very behavior I am asking of my students, and thanking them for complying.

Of course, what is also completely under my control is my choice to wear my own mask.

When the pandemic first short-sheeted life in Louisiana, on Friday, March 13, 2020, I did not immediately take to wearing a mask, but I did immediately begin CONTINUE READING: Good News, Teachers: Cloth Masks Do Protect the Wearer | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog