Thursday, October 1, 2020

2020 Medley #21 – If wrong, to be set right. | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Medley #21 – If wrong, to be set right. | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Medley #21 – If wrong, to be set right.

If wrong, to be set right.
To hear the current occupant of the White House talk, public education has been teaching anti-American propaganda for years. I suppose he thinks that there are no longer any lessons on how the Founding Fathers fought against the English or wrote of the rights to free speech or religious liberty. He apparently thinks there are only lessons on how those same men (and they were all men) were slaveowners. Perhaps he thinks that instead of teaching how Americans mobilized to fight the Axis Powers in WWII, public schools only teach about the McCarthy era paranoia or how Jim Crow supported the subjugation and murder of United States citizens. In other words, public schools, according to him, are teaching the bad things about the US and nothing else.
Are public schools supposed to ignore the three-fifths clause?
…or the fewer than 240,000 native Americans who were left on the continent out of a total population of between five and fifteen million after the “Indian Wars” of the 19th Century?
…or the imprisonment of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans simply because of their ancestry?
Are public schools supposed to teach only the goals enumerated in the Bill of CONTINUE READING: 2020 Medley #21 – If wrong, to be set right. | Live Long and Prosper