Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Ventilation? Ventilation! | JD2718

Ventilation? Ventilation! | JD2718

Ventilation? Ventilation!

I need to vent. So do our schools.
But how do we know if the ventilation in our schools is adequate?
Bad ventilation is always an issue. During “good” times people claim bad air in buildings affects their health. But this is about COVID-19. What defects in ventilation put our students, and ourselves, at risk of the virus being spread?
If we were just talking about students, we have until September 21 to answer those questions. But we are not talking about just students.
Tomorrow, September 8, staff are due to report to buildings. In some schools that will be two dozen adults. In some schools that will be several hundred. The numbers are small enough that we can successfully maintain social distancing. We will have PPE, or if we don’t, the UFT has established a useful PPE protocol:
Talk with the principal.
Members wait outside.
Call UFT Hotline 212-701-9677.

But where is the Ventilation Protocol?

[                      this space left blank – but why?                   ]
My main point today is this: The UFT has provided us a PPE protocol, but not a Ventilation Protocol. We should do our best to apply the PPE protocol to ventilation as well. I’ll come back to this. But if there are CONTINUE READING: Ventilation? Ventilation! | JD2718