Monday, September 14, 2020

Teachers are Cautious, Fearful and Anxious to Teach in a Safe Environment: Will NYC Schools Open on September 21st? | Ed In The Apple

 Teachers are Cautious, Fearful and Anxious to Teach in a Safe Environment: Will NYC Schools Open on September 21st? | Ed In The Apple

Teachers are Cautious, Fearful and Anxious to Teach in a Safe Environment: Will NYC Schools Open on September 21st?

You toss and turn, can’t fall asleep, why is the clock moving so slowly, tomorrow is the first day of school.

No matter whether you’re a first year, a fifth year, tenth year or a seasoned veteran that first day brings apprehension.

You go over classroom procedures, be welcoming, get those routines in place, make lists, say something nice to the principal, and on and on.

This year is one like no other.  In a flash you moved from an ordinary day to remote instruction. From checking Facebook every few days, to texting friends to mastering Google Classroom and Zoom, from preparing for the State Standardized Tests to figuring out how the engage kids from afar, how to make sure they log on each and every day, online grade meetings; Town Halls with parents, and worrying, really worrying about yourself and your family.

Members of your church have lost parents and friends, you see too many people without masks, you miss the kids, and you worry about returning to school.

Will my school be “safe?”   Will my kids come to school “healthy?” Can I catch COVID from my kids? from other adults in the school? Do I qualify for a medical accommodation? 

I love my kids; I watched them fall further and further behind as the year CONTINUE READING:  Teachers are Cautious, Fearful and Anxious to Teach in a Safe Environment: Will NYC Schools Open on September 21st? | Ed In The Apple