Sunday, September 13, 2020

Nancy Bailey's Education Website – Revive, Rally and Recover Public Schools

Nancy Bailey's Education Website – Revive, Rally and Recover Public Schools

Impact of President Trump’s Covid-19 Deception on Public Schools

The chief function of a President is to make responsible decisions and to keep Americans safe, especially children and society’s most vulnerable. Bob Woodward, in his new book Rage tells of a president who was publicly playing down the coronavirus threat without acknowledging the severity of the virus, which has now claimed over 190,000 American lives.
The President understood the danger to the American public when he twitted:
Democrats, OPEN THE SCHOOLS (SAFELY), NOW! When schools are closed, let the money follow the child (FAMILY). Why should schools be paid when they are closed? They shouldn’t.
President Trump, and his accomplice, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, know the dangers of the virus to children, teachers, and parents. Yet, instead of keeping children safe, they use Covid-19 to promote their school choice plan. They intentionally ignore the threat to children and teachers.
You were disappointed last spring when your kids couldn’t finish the school year with their friends. You tried your best to step up to the plate and become a full-time teacher CONTINUE READING: Nancy Bailey's Education Website – Revive, Rally and Recover Public Schools