Tuesday, September 15, 2020

COVID DAZE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing

COVID DAZE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing


“John, Wake up!” 
“Why?” I am not going to work.” “It’s just going to be another bullshit day spent with you, and the dog, and the computer screen, and the TV, and more bullshit. I am so sick of this. Leave me alone, I don’t have a Zoom call until 9 o’clock. Then they are non-stop until 6 o’clock.”
How many people start the day that way? How many people are afraid to go out to stores, to restaurants, to see friends and family for fear of either catching Covid or spreading it?
How many of us are sick of the “new normal”, and when I mean sick, I don’t mean just annoyed or tired of it. I mean psychologically ailing with what my shrink wife now has dubbed Covid Fatique. Relationships have been strained. Tensions mount. Fear rules…and this is for those who are lucky enough to still have their jobs and can work from home. 
Now add kids. Are they going to school? Who is going to work with them on their remote assignments? 
“Algebra? I don’t know no stinkin’ algebra!”  
“What if they do will they get “it” and bring it home? Will they be able to see CONTINUE READING: COVID DAZE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing