Monday, August 17, 2020

The Coronavirus Thanks You for Reopening Schools: “I Couldn’t Have Done it Better, Myself!” | gadflyonthewallblog

The Coronavirus Thanks You for Reopening Schools: “I Couldn’t Have Done it Better, Myself!” | gadflyonthewallblog

The Coronavirus Thanks You for Reopening Schools: “I Couldn’t Have Done it Better, Myself!”

Hey, American Peeps!
It’s me! Coronavirus!
Technically, the name’s Covid-19, but with you guys, we can cut the formality.
I mean after all, once I latched my spiky surface proteins to your nana’s lungs, we were basically family!
Music to my ears.
So it’s back to school time, and – let me tell you – am I ready to return to the classroom! Actually, I’m just bursting to pop onto campuses for the FIRST time this year.
When I came to these shores way back in March, some spoil sports decided to shut CONTINUE READING: The Coronavirus Thanks You for Reopening Schools: “I Couldn’t Have Done it Better, Myself!” | gadflyonthewallblog