Thursday, August 27, 2020

Teacher Tom: Man, I Was Not Ready for This Pandemic

Teacher Tom: Man, I Was Not Ready for This Pandemic

Man, I Was Not Ready for This Pandemic

Man, I was not ready for this pandemic. Not at all. Up until March, my life revolved around being in the physical presence of other people, usually packed together in classrooms, airports and airplanes, hotels, conference rooms, restaurants, concerts, and dance floors. Indeed, I could not have been less well prepared for staying home, isolating, and distancing.

I mean, the adjustment has been brutal. I've lost income. I've fallen into bouts of anger and despair. I've struggled with waiting in well-spaced lines, dodging people on the sidewalks, carrying on day-to-day life via the computer, and wearing a mask. The mask has been particularly tough because, let's face it, my smile is my "money maker." I've had to learn to smile with my eyes, for crying out loud. 

If only I'd practiced these things. If only I had pre-restricted my social and professional life. That would have been the thing to do, right? I should have anticipated this pandemic by hunkering down more, keeping to myself, and perfecting my indoor hobbies. I mean, it's not like people weren't warning us that "the big one" was coming, but I guess I was cocky, you know. I'd survived the HIV/AIDS pandemic as well as SARS, MERS, Ebola, and several versions of flu without really changing a thing. But I see now how maybe I should have gone into training in order to be ready for this. Then the CONTINUE READING: Teacher Tom: Man, I Was Not Ready for This Pandemic