Thursday, August 13, 2020

NYC: Principals, Teachers, Nurses Seek Delay in Opening | Diane Ravitch's blog

NYC: Principals, Teachers, Nurses Seek Delay in Opening | Diane Ravitch's blog

NYC: Principals, Teachers, Nurses Seek Delay in Opening

Spokespersons for principals, teachers, and nurses have called on Mayor De Blasio to delay reopening and provide more time to prepare schools, reports Gotham Gazette, a publication of the Citizens Union Foundation.
The principals union, the teachers union, and the nurses union have come out against the ​city’s plan to reopen classrooms on September 10 with a mix of remote and in-person learning.
In a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators urged the officials to move the start of in-person school to the end of September to give schools more time to prepare, while offering fully remote learning as they do.
​”​Given the lack of information and guidance available at this time, CSA believes that NYCDOE’s decision to open for in-person learning on September 10th is in disregard of the well-being of our school communities​,” wrote CSA President Mark Cannizzaro.
The union is seeking more clarity on essential questions around sufficient staffing, hiring of nurses, PPE supplies, and support for students with special needs, among CONTINUE READING: NYC: Principals, Teachers, Nurses Seek Delay in Opening | Diane Ravitch's blog