Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Is Re-Opening Schools a Political, Science-Driven or an Emotional Decision? | Ed In The Apple

Is Re-Opening Schools a Political, Science-Driven or an Emotional Decision? | Ed In The Apple

Is Re-Opening Schools a Political, Science-Driven or an Emotional Decision?

* “If we don’t re-open schools another generation of students will be doomed to a life of poverty and the poorest, must vulnerable parents will burdened with childcare expenses; if our economy doesn’t revive a depression paralleling the Great Depression is inevitable.”
* “We have to follow where science leads us, testing, contact tracing, social distancing, masks, and not allow politics or emotions to dissuade us.”
* “I’m afraid, I know too many people who died or who spent weeks recovering and months later are still suffering, until there’s a vaccine I’m not going back to work or allowing my children to go to school.”
*”I go to work every day, I have no other options, I have to pay my rent and feed my family; teachers say they love our kids; not enough to be willing to go to work, as I do.”
School opening opinion varies widely.
As tropical storm Isaisis blows by torrential rain interrupted by glaring sunlight flashes by, sort of like the school opening discussions of the moment.
For weeks the Board of Regents, the Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio CONTINUE READING: Is Re-Opening Schools a Political, Science-Driven or an Emotional Decision? | Ed In The Apple