Monday, August 17, 2020

Anette Carlisle: Mike Morath’s Plan to Abandon Local Control and Public Schools in Texas | Diane Ravitch's blog

Anette Carlisle: Mike Morath’s Plan to Abandon Local Control and Public Schools in Texas | Diane Ravitch's blog

Anette Carlisle: Mike Morath’s Plan to Abandon Local Control and Public Schools in Texas

Anette Carlisle, public education advocate in Texas, describes how State Commissioner Mike Morath, a non-educator, bought into the anti-democratic strategy of killing local school boards and privatizing public schools. He swallowed whole the disruption program of the Center for Reinventing Public Education, one of the Gates-funded think tanks that call for the abandonment of public schools.
Despite a full decade of failure, phony “reformers” claim that education will improve if private corporations and entrepreneurs take over from elected school boards. It hasn’t worked anywhere, and it won’t work in Texas.
Carlisle writes:
Texas has chosen to abandon our local public schools, locally elected school boards, superintendents and our 5.4 million schoolchildren in favor of a “my way or the highway” single system directive by Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath. That’s why I’m standing up to say, “Whoa! Hold your horses, please, Mr. Commissioner.”
It’s an effort that’s been building for years, right under our noses. People said, “Surely not,” but here we are.