Friday, July 3, 2020

Thoughts For Parents And Educators On School Reopening – The Edublogger

Thoughts For Parents And Educators On School Reopening – The Edublogger

Thoughts For Parents And Educators On School Reopening

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we will be starting our next school year in the coming weeks and months. Depending on where you live, there will be really difficult decisions made about how school will proceed during the current pandemic the world is facing. 
Will school be all online? If so, will it be better than the online experience most of us had back in March and April?
Will we try some sort of hybrid approach with smaller class sizes where remote and on campus learning is alternated? How will that be organized?
If we are at school, can students really wear masks all day? Can teachers teach in them? Will school be a scary place producing too much anxiety for our kids?
How will parents and caregivers balance school requirements with their own work and other obligations?
How will teachers be able to manage and teach students in both traditional and online locations at once?
So. Many. Questions.
My wife and I are both former teachers with graduate degrees in education, so you would think that we’d be ahead of the curve for homeschooling, distance learning, or being able to handle anything education-related thrown our family’s way. However, we don’t feel that way. We’re nervous that our kids will fall behind, we’re sad for the missed experiences we had hoped for our kids, and we’re longing for normalcy. 
But we also want to ensure, like every parent and every educator out there, that we do what’s best for our children. 
If you are looking for concrete answers and guidance, I don’t think anyone yet knows the answers. But, as we have been discussing and preparing for the upcoming school year for our own kids, it has been cathartic to put together some thoughts, tips, and ideas here in this post that hopefully may help others in similar situations.

What Will Learning At School Look Like? CONTINUE READING: Thoughts For Parents And Educators On School Reopening – The Edublogger