Saturday, July 25, 2020

THIS WEEK Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Education Research Report

The Continued Underrepresentation of Black and Latino Undergraduates at the Nation’s 101 Most Selective Public Colleges and Universities
THIS REPORT EXAMINES how access for Black and Latino students at the nation’s 101 most selective public colleges and universities has changed since 2000, and whether these institutions are serving an undergraduate student body that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of their particular state’s population. Access scores, ranging from 0 to 100, measure how well each institution’s Black and
erica’s Preschoolers Lose Important Learning Opportunities Due to Pandemic
America’s preschools schools failed to provide students adequate support after shutting down in-person instruction in March due to the coronavirus pandemic according to anationwide survey by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education. Most parents reported their children received some remote educational support services when preschool c

JUL 23

Students of Color Caught in the Homework Gap
16.9 million children remain logged out because they don't have internet at home The COVID-19 pandemic caused a near-total shutdown of the U.S. school system, forcing more than 55 million students to transition to home-based remote learning practically overnight. In most cases, that meant logging in to online classes and accessing lessons and assignments through a home internet connection. Sadly,

JUL 21

Experts: 8 Things to Never Do With Your Money
One way or another, we all make mistakes. It’s the human condition.
Differentiated Literacy Instruction: Boondoggle or Best Practice?
With increasingly diverse students, schools and districts are under pressure to meet rigorous standards and raise student achievement in reading and literacy. Most teachers respond by differentiating their instruction to some extent, but not all scholars and educators agree on whether differentiated instruction works. This systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to determine the effects of Tier
Impact of Reading Interventions for Students in the Primary Grades
This meta-analysis systematically reviewed the most up-to-date literature to determine the effectiveness of reading interventions on measures of word and pseudoword reading, reading comprehension, and passage fluency, and to determine the role intervention and study variables play in moderating the impacts for students at risk for reading difficulties in Grades 1–3. Results from a total of 33 rig
Start with Equity: From the Early Years to the Early Grades
Full report This report focuses on learning experiences in the early years, birth through age five, and the early grades (K–5). Early learning experiences in these years can have long-lasting, life-changing effects on children; unfortunately, it is clear that the systems charged with providing those experiences are not living up to their promise. The authors identified three key policy areas that

JUL 20

Nearly 60% of American children lack healthy cardiorespiratory fitness
American Heart Association Scientific Statement AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION SHARE PRINT E-MAIL DALLAS, July 20, 2020 -- Nearly 60% of American children do not have healthy cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), a key measure of physical fitness and overall health, according to "Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Youth - An Important Marker of Health," a new Scientific Statement from the American Heart Associa
School-based vision screening programs found 1 in 10 kids had vision problems
A school-based vision screening program in kindergarten, shown to be effective at identifying untreated vision problems in 1 in 10 students, could be useful to implement widely in diverse communities, according to new research in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) . Vision problems can lead to amblyopia (known as "lazy eye") and potential learning problems. "These are practical details n

JUL 16

Does "naming and shaming" of colleges with large tuition increases make a difference?
AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION SHARE PRINT E-MAIL WASHINGTON, July 16, 2020--Since 2011 the U.S. Department of Education has published two annual lists of higher education institutions with the highest percentage changes in tuition and fees and average net price. A study published today found that inclusion in either of these College Affordability and Transparency Center (CATC) lists d
Taking a Few Courses at a Community College Improves the Baccalaureate, STEM, and Labor Market Outcomes of Four-Year College Students?
Nationally, 38.5% of the students who began at a four-year college in 2011-12 attended another college within the first six years of college entry, and more than half of these students attended a community college. Eight percent of students who began at a four-year institution took up to 10 credits at a community college during the same period. Given the number of students involved, it is helpful
Postsecondary Education Funding
This new 50-State Comparison is a first of its kind, capturing the major components of state funding models for two- and four-year institutions. It scans state statutes, rules and regulations, enacted budget bills and state agency policies to categorize the types of funding models currently in place. Although models vary from state to state, many are based on common metrics, like student enrollme
Positive results from embedding a reading-and-writing exercise about social belonging into the first-year college curriculum
Research published today (July 15) in the journal Science Advances shows that embedding a reading-and-writing exercise about social belonging into the first-year college curriculum increased the persistence and performance of Black, Latinx, Native American, and first-generation students at a large, urban, broad-access university. Now, with COVID-19, colleges and universities are struggling econom
Strategies to help students at community colleges and broad access institutions
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SHARE PRINT E-MAIL A brief reading and writing exercise designed to alleviate worries about sense of belonging helped students at a midwestern 
Education Research Report